Monday, May 25, 2020

Cryptocurrency and its Future Prospects

The cryptocurrency (bitcoin) saga began in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis. When bank after another was collapsing on account of loans going bad, it was a tumultuous time that was accompanied by a lot of chaos. Amidst the chaos, came along a group of programmers or sometimes assumed to be a single individual called Satoshi Nakamoto who published a white paper on bitcoin mechanism and mailed it across to a cryptographic mailing list.
This never-before-seen technology was revolutionary in the way it transacted money or digital money to be precise. It bypassed the traditional means, as the need for the hard currency was completely done away with. The model of the transaction was entirely dependent on a peer-to-peer transaction without requiring a central bank or a credit card network. In fact, it did not elicit personal information (identity) to be disclosed and it did not extract a transaction fee which was unheard of. 
Underlying Technology
There was no parallel to this technology in the world of finance and it did shake the foundations of the financial world. Technically, the currency runs on a technology called “Blockchain”. It is a publically distributed ledger system that records each bitcoin transaction ever made on the block. When the block memory is full, it is added sequentially to a chain of blocks. These transactions are available on any computer on the bitcoin network that validates transactions, stores bitcoins and relays transactions to other computers. These computers on the network are called nodes. 
Since the database is stored on a network of computers (nodes) – hacking or stealing bitcoins’ data from computers is not an option. To hack or steal bitcoins, the crooks would have to simultaneously break into the majority of nodes. This makes the bitcoin a superbly secure digital currency safe from cybercriminals.
What the Future Holds?
It has been close to a decade when Bitcoins were first introduced and there were naysayers who predicted its doom from its inception. However, Bitcoin has weathered the storms and has stood the ground as a robust asset option. As we move into the next decade with deep uncertainties in the global financial system on account of a slowdown and the contagious COVID-19 bringing the world to its knees. Let’s look at what makes the digital currency a viable option in years to come.
·         Lower Transaction Cost with Decentralized Ledger – A decentralized ledger makes it immune to third party transaction costs. This makes for lower costs on remittances and other fund transfers. Presently, the remittance fees stand at 7% to 8% that can be significantly lowered to 1% to 2%. Besides, a decentralized ledger has little vulnerability compared to a centralized system. Since a single party no longer controls the record of previous transactions – a distributed ledger operation holds great promise.
A factor that hooks investors is the fact that Bitcoin does not erode in value with the passage of time. It is on record that only 21 million Bitcoins would be produced in all. Making it inflation-proof, with hard money inflation picks up when the Central Bank prints more currency to beat the recession.
·         Global Geo-Political Tensions & Uncertainties – US-China trade war, upcoming American elections, Corona aftermath are issues that hold great interest among investors and the rich alike. The anticipation behind such global events means heightened speculations among investors and the rich elite to park their funds in safe assets and bitcoin has become the de facto choice.
Bitcoin recently touched the $10k mark and analysts predict it was not on account of the global uncertainties rather it showed the maturity of the asset. Over the course of time, it has become less volatile and it would continue to rise in value. Both Iran-US tension and the COVID emergence have shown a negative correlation compared to traditional assets. When assets plunged across the board during the course of these events, the Bitcoin actually jumped in value. Some have gone overboard to predict that it is behaving in a manner similar to gold and should rightly be called “Digital Gold”.
Given the continuation of global uncertainties, Bitcoin is increasingly being seen as a safe bet to protect wealth through guaranteed returns.
·         Improved Technology – Earlier investors used to be highly sceptical about investing in Bitcoins. However, as technology has shifted gears with auto-trading platforms and readily available tech tools powered by artificial intelligence that can create a Bitcoin portfolio. These, when run through an array of rules and filters, ensure that a digital asset with a solid track record is chosen and kept to give to intended return on investment.
Most contemporary investors today speculate that traditional investments/ IPOs would become old school and Bitcoin is likely to take centre stage. It is quite obvious with the ease of registration, less paperwork with a quick and high return on investment. This along with 24/7 availability, improving market adoption rate through an increased number of exchanges & crypto ATMs have made the Bitcoin the darling among investors.
·         Facebook Joins the Race – It has come to focus that Facebook has joined the bandwagon of institutions that are developing their own Bitcoin called Libra. This is likely to influences others to rethink their crypto strategies in the coming future. This is a likely game-changer in “Crypto” scheme of things. Facebook has decided to create the coin from scratch and in times we might see other tech giants follow suit. The fact that Facebook has taken this bold step only validates its confidence in the underlying technology that makes cryptocurrency work.

·         Compatibility Aspect – The Bitcoin stands to be a compatible invention that requires the user to make very few adjustments in their daily routine to be adopted. For example: When the iPhone came into the markets, there were a variety of stand-alone gadgets that performed different functions. The iPhone happened to incorporate all these gadgets into one versatile-gadget that was accepted with open arms by Apple aficionados. Similarly for a user to deal in Bitcoin, all he/ she need is an iPhone and an internet connection. Such ease of adoption makes optimists believe that the user base of Bitcoin will swell in the coming future.

·         Improved Trialability – The Bitcoin has come a long way from the original Nakamoto paper. This refers to the options provided to first-time users to engage with new technology on a limited basis. The number of exchanges and crypto ATMs getting started over the course of time makes it easier for first-time users to trade in Bitcoins. These exchanges allow users to participate in small investments in Bitcoin sometimes even with a simple credit card.
Conclusion: Although we must understand that Bitcoin is a sophisticated piece of technology that is today understood by few people. But in times to come, we would see the adoption of this technology on a wide scale. This is being said with regard to the curious developments happening around the world around cryptocurrencies.  
·         Similar cryptocurrencies like the Bitcoin are entering the market
·         Attempts to regulate cryptocurrencies by governments
·         Impoverished countries looking for hard currency alternatives
All such scenarios make cryptocurrencies indispensable in the long-run. Lastly, it must be admired that Satoshi Nakamoto created a process which was way ahead of its time. The Bitcoin technology would not remain restricted to currency for long. But, would metamorphosize into various applications that would reduce bureaucracy & middlemen in both government and private institutions.  
(The reader must understand that Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency in the world market. There are other currencies like Ehtereum, Ripple, Litecoin and such. Technically all these are subsets of Bitcoins technically. Since they all use the same Blockchain technology. This article was written primarily to showcase the brief history of bitcoin and the advantages that it offers compared to traditional money. We chose bitcoin because it was the first to appear.)
---------Sujit Susheelan

Cryptocurrency and its Future Prospects

Introduction The cryptocurrency (bitcoin) saga began in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis. When bank after another was collapsing o...