Friday, February 28, 2020

Chatbots: A Fast Emerging Technology Disrupter

Without a doubt, we can assume that customers are the cornerstone of any business. Irrespective of any industry, it has to be understood that customer-centric businesses tend to thrive in the long-run. In present times, we are used to, rather we demand quick turn around times for products and services that we utilize. This makes us less inclined to be patient and wait in line to be served by customer service. We want our problems addressed in quick time without the hassle. 

Adoption of chatbots in business to replace the customer service agent provides answers to cutting down on the waiting time. Plus, chatbots helps businesses to cut down on workflow & budget. In a nutshell, chatbots are algorithms that can initiate and sustain human-machine interaction. 

Traditional forms of communication such as emails and voice calls are getting a makeover and are getting delegated to chatbots. According to a study, 64% of respondents preferred instant messaging on the phone making chatbots ideal human replacements in customer interaction. Within the industry, there are communication deficits when it comes to clients and customers. Bridging the gap can be a tall order as customer service executives are an expensive proposition. In such scenarios, it is best to embrace technology that replaces humans. The bots deployed are not rudimentary and are based on recent neuro-lingual programming. What this means is that the algorithms are capable of conducting emotionally intelligent conversations. Amazon’s “Alexa” is one such example. 

At times, it is not important whether the query is getting addressed by a human or a machine. Rather, when the emphasis is on getting a simple query addressed a bot can do a better job withstanding monotony. Besides, a bot can function 24x7, which means there is no down-time and queries do get addressed at all times. 

The traditional customer service executive would still be around for a long-time to come. But, the chatbot is more geared to addresses simple queries not requiring complex thought processes. The bulk of interactions would be done by the bot, while the rest will be followed up by agents requiring thoughtful interactions. Such a context presents an opportunity for small and medium-sized companies to involve chatbots where monetary limitations do not permit full-time hiring for customer service.       

Overall, the market is always on the lookout for technology that improves efficiencies and cuts down on slack. Chatbots is a technology that does both but the eventual winner in the game would be companies that adapt & adopt quickly. 

-------Sujit Susheelan

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