Friday, March 6, 2020

Keys to Branding in the Digital World

We are living in times when traditional branding alone is no longer considered effective. With the advent of online business, companies have become more serious about their marketing efforts online. The emphasis today is on digital branding as customers are becoming conscious of online research before a purchase. Such a scenario creates a situation where companies can no longer ignore their online reputation. 

In short, digital branding refers to the promotion of a product or service through the creation of digital assets to attract prospects or customers. Here in this space, we would shed light on doing productive digital branding to meet business goals. 

What is Branding?
Branding is more of about positioning of a product in the market and describes a set of promises to the customer about the overall experience. This makes it a unique proposition in the marketplace. The crux is to keep the customer satisfied in order to remain competitive.  

There are three things to be conscious of - brand, branding and brand identity. 
  • Brand - refers to the way your customers perceive your company
  • Branding - the process of designing & creating a lasting impact
  • Brand Identity - elements like the logo, website, social media presence
How to Go About?

Pitch a Unique Perspective: There is a staggering number of companies present online and there are new additions to the list each day. Besides, there are multiple online channels vying for user attention. This makes it difficult for companies to cut through the clutter and remain visible. The most viable strategy is to remain true to your roots and tell your story. Tell the audience about 
  • How did you start out? - your entrepreneurial journey
  • What made you create the product? - The passion behind 
  • What gets you started each day? The motivation that makes you tick
  • What makes you the individual you are? Strengths & Weakness 
  • What are your thoughts on life? Belief system
When all these ingredients come together, you would unfold a unique story to the audience. If the story finds resonance among readers, it is the most welcome sign that your brand is sure to make a distinct impression stand out among the competition. 

Make a Connect: Companies today are present on the same online channels on which people communicate with their friends and relatives. The conversations on these channels are friendly and personal. This is the tone companies should adopt when communicating with their audience online. Initiate conversations that are direct and yet meaningful. Such communication when done correctly will make the user feel not being treated as customers but as family. This translates into enriched brand awareness and long-term customer loyalty. The customer no longer feels they are compelled to buy the brand rather they feel they are fulfilling their needs through a chosen relationship.

Improve Visibility: Online branding is not sticking to one channel and doing it well. Rather, it is about juggling many balls at the same time. Your online visibility is established through touch-points such as website, search results, social media networks, digital advertising and review sites. 

  • Website: A company website should be your digital address in the cyberspace. All your digital marketing activities need to stem from your website.   
  • Digital Advertising (organic/ paid): This exercise contributes to your visibility. A well-planned and focused campaign can bring in the intended results. 
  • SEO: Practicing good SEO techniques will ensure a high page rank. This also signals to the fact that you are aware of needs and their search behaviour of the audience. Besides, good page rank is considered synonymous with a credible brand image. 
  • Review Sites: This touch-point is completely based on your product performance and is within the user’s control. Company is not expected to invest any resources. If your brand falls short or fails to deliver, it is certain that your brand will take a hit. 
Implement Content Marketing: This kind of marketing is known to influence every stage of the marketing funnel. From creating awareness to consideration and to eventual conversion to a customer can be driven by smart content marketing. Today, it is a well-known fact that 70% of users read a blog or an article before making a purchase decision. Making it essential for business owners to bring out quality and engaging content on a consistent basis. This is one of those branding mechanisms by which even smaller players can beat established companies. Therefore, content marketing needs to be learned and used well. Here are some tips to good content:
  • Provide relevant content that has value along with the necessary information.
  • The content needs to target the problems of a segmented audience.
  • Create content showcasing the brand characteristics
  • Engage in storytelling to leave a lasting impact 
Leverage E-mail Marketing: There are a number of fancy digital tools to extend the reach of the brand. But, there is nothing that beats the good old email. It is a known tool that reaches the audience who do not use social media. Email marketing when done correctly can boost the reputation of your brand.
  • Start by collecting emails through sign-ups on paid advertisements or through website newsletter sign-ups on the landing page. 
  • Before sending the mails, there should be clear goals on what you hope to achieve - Increased engagement? Nurture business relationships? Or New Product Announcement! 
  • Write the email in a confident tone in a manner that is more business-like. Send customized emails to different audience segments. 
  • Schedule the mail carefully to avoid sending back-to-back emails that will only end up in the spam folder. 
Influencer Marketing: This is one of those methods that help extend your brand reputation. This mechanism utilises online fame of an individual to leverage brand outreach. Companies get in touch with bloggers and social media stars and enter into a monetary agreement with them to promote the brand through select channels. Having built an audience over a period of time, influencers are trusted by most of their followers. And does infuse a sense of relatability and trust towards the brand. Besides influencers produce their own content. Hence sponsored posts of the brand will align with the pre-existing content on their pages. Getting in touch with them is easy with the emergence of various online platforms that support micro-influencers these are: Upfluence, Tribe Group, Mavrck etc.

Conduct A/B Testing: The brand is purely based on its extended outreach through online channels and campaigns. Testing becomes important as it helps in steering away from campaigns & channels that do not deliver on intended results. This gets your optimal resources invested best performing channels and campaigns. Companies can easily zero-in on campaigns that deliver maximum ROI with the luxury to tweak them when necessary.  Some tips to testing:

  • Carry out a qualitative test to understand the exact needs of the audience
  • Avoid conducting various variables in a single test.
  • Ensure to test CTA copy, CTA placement & Ad copy
Final Thoughts: Branding is not only about selling a product or service but more about actively engaging with the audience to create an enduring relationship. Keeping the message honest, articulate and fresh helps to deliver on the brand promises. When messaging and engagement are kept in check, there are endless possibilities for a brand to succeed. 

-------Sujit Susheelan

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